Whether you’re seeking to make your theatre production or venue more accessible, unsure on how to integrate access features, or just want to find out more...

I’m your Nye!

“Nye came onto our project as Accessibility Advisor to help with the challenges of setting an in-situ musical on community farms.

We love the passion, enthusiasm and knowledge that Nye provides. He digested everything we threw at him and “got” what we were trying to do, while he was able to give us clear advice that we can carry forward. He has been crucial to the project and has helped shape our working and methods.

 We’re hoping to work with Nye again soon.”

- Phil Jones, ‘Mud: A Very Muddy Musical’

I have been working in the disability arts across the UK and internationally since 2014, with ELEVEN WHOLE YEARS worth of experience creatively integrating accessibility features into award-winning theatre shows. Such as…

British  Sign  Language  (BSL),  

Audio  Description  (AD),  


Touch  tours,  

Relaxed  performances,  

Textual  presentation,

BSL  trailers,

Audio  flyers,

Access  riders,

And  more!

So if you’d like to make your theatre shows more accessible, click below to get started!